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I’m Raj Sidhu, CEO of Ocean Rock Developments. My journey started in Mechanical Engineering, but my passion for real estate led me to earn a Bachelor of Business Administration from Athabasca University and a Business Management degree from Grant MacEwan University.
Since 2003, I’ve been a mortgage broker and own Centum The Mortgage Shop Inc. I’ve also worked as a Realtor and Developer since 2007, gaining invaluable experience. My goal is to ensure every client is fully satisfied with our services.
Since 2007, our company has successfully developed various small and large construction projects, marking ten strong years in the industry. Some of our recent major projects include the Rampart Business Center, featuring industrial warehouse condos, and the Jordan Business Center, offering office and warehouse condos. We also completed Bryant Heritage Plaza, providing ample modern retail space in Beaumont. Currently under construction is the Ocean Cloud Professional Centre, a three-story modern medical/professional building. Additionally, our latest project in planning is Emerald Wave, a multifamily development.
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Mmmm! Hearty spicy Ethiopian made with love S Light lunch turned into a feast. I only ordered 3 items for the two of us. Lamb tibs: spicy sautéed lamb and lamb ribs with bellpeppers onions and jalapeños that came with a lentil sauce, cabbage/ carrot turmeric sauce, of course about a pound of ... Read More
Shoreline Is a great place to relax for awhile at. Weekdays is never really crowded, thus grabbing a drink at a nearby bar and enjoying the waterfront is great. I cannot speak for the nightlife here but I enjoy it every time I’m there.
I came here for lunch on the Fourth of July. Not to forgot the place to visit, Good Environment with soft area.
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